Saturday 1 November 2014


Hey everyone!

I'm so excited for NaNoWriMo. For all those who don't know what that is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month i.e. November. It basically is for aspiring writers, who try to write a novel in a month. Sounds intimidating, doesn't it? (; Well, it isn't. Anyone can give it a try. And in my opinion, everyone should. I believe that everyone has a story to tell. If you want to know more, here's the link to Nanowrimo's website-

But for writers aged below 17, there's something called 'Young Writer's Program'. I am taking part in Nanowrimo under this. Link would be-

Go ahead, give it a try!

I have started writing, though to be honest, I don't have any plot in m mind. I just randomly wrote something that came to my mind. Now I am having trouble in continuing the story. :(
So, I wrote 3 diffferent scenes with the same character/ characters, that I type in Microsoft Word, and this is weird because I always loved writing using a pen and paper.
The possible explanation is that I like reading, and when I see the words on a white document, in a particular font, I imagine it as a novel that has already been written, so I just imagine what I would read further, and thus, I create a new story. Ta-da! :P

I was experiencing a writer's block, (Even though I am not a writer. Not yet, anyway.) And i found this blog post helpful. I hope it helps you too. (:

Well, that's it I guess.
Thanks for reading!
*Virtual potatoes for reading my blog post* :P
You can make french fries! (:

Love, Punya

Monday 22 September 2014

Ironical Quote by Augustus...


I've been thinking of writing something for a while now, but I just couldn't figure out 'what' to write. A few days back, someone I know quoted Augustus Waters from The Fault In Our Stars saying, "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up." That made me think about the irony of the statement.

Augustus Waters was dying, the cancer cells were multiplying at a fast rate, and about the scan, as he said, "it lit up like a Christmas tree." So, if the roller coaster he talks about could be 'cancer', the roller coaster was certainly only going up, and unfortunately wouldn't descend.

Whereas, when we read the book (or watch the movie), we take it that the metaphor he's using i.e. the roller coaster, is 'life'. We think that he's optimistic and now he's lost the touch of cancer he had and now his life is good. It's kinda sad how wrong we turn out to be. Don't you think? #rhetorical question

(I should probably start ending all my blog posts with a rhetorical question.)

Here's a virtual chocolate for you, for reading my blogpost. (; *hands out chocolate*


Saturday 19 July 2014

Me and the Un-relatable Characters.

Hey guys,

I recently returned from a trip, and it was a really good experience. So, maybe i should be writing about my experiences from the trip, but I won't. Instead of it, I want to write about something I thought when I read Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Paper Towns. Speaking of it, I finally finished "Will Grayson, Will Grayson" by John Green and David Levithan.
The book was nice. Actually, I couldn't really make sense of it in the starting. Turned out, alternate chapters switched POV's between the two different Will Graysons. The story became interesting when the two Wills meet. 

On t the next book-

So, when I finished reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson, I started Paper Towns. It's a nice book, I like John Green's characters, they seem real. Quentin and Margo are interesting characters. I'm still reading the book, though I've finished 3/4th of it, already. 

Another book, I had read in January, but I felt like writing about-

Looking For Alaska is John Green's first book, but I read it after reading TFIOS. So, the reason I thought about it was that I was comparing myself to John Green's female protagonists. If anyone knows me, even slightly, they can tell that I am nothing like "Alaska Young", the female protagonist of Looking For Alaska, or like "Margo Roth Spiegelman" from Paper Towns, or even like "Jane" from Will Grayson, Will Grayson.

 I won't go as far as saying that I am not at all like "Hazel Grace Lancaster" from The Fault In Our Stars. Please don't take me as a narcissist, because I am not saying that I am like Hazel. But I am as obsessed with The Fault In Our Stars as she was with An Imperial Affliction, and I like metaphors as much as she did. I would go on and on about the more things we have in common, but I think you get the idea. 

Now, about Alaska and Margo. They are like "VERY" different from me. They are eccentric, outgoing, adventurous and insane. I mean, I am insane too, just a different kind of it. I am neither adventurous nor mysterious, and that was part of the reason that John Green's other books didn't appeal to me as much as TFIOS. I sure liked them, but not enough to be obsessed with them. 

On the other hand, Jane from Will Grayson, Will Grayson is different too. She has this quite extraordinary taste in music, that "I" don't. Infact, I like the songs that more than half the girls of my age like. Well, maybe that is not my field to be unique, and I am Okay with it. And, she's really intelligent too, in science and all. I on the other hand, prefer literature.

I always like characters I can relate to. Everyone does, actually. But for me, it is a kind of necessity to have relatable characters to love the story. I hope one day John Green creates a character like me (Yes, John Green, not any other author.), but I highly doubt it. After all, "The world is not a wish granting factory".
But, "Hope is the only thing stronger than fear".
                                                           John Green (:

Sunday 6 July 2014

Will Grayson, Will Grayson.

Hey everyone,

I wanted to write a blog post, but couldn't come up with a topic. I still haven't come up with a topic I can write much on, but it's something atleast.

I'm currently reading "Will Grayson, Will Grayson", written by John Green and David Leuithan. I am a member of a "teen book community" on Google+, and we had to nominate books, so that we could vote and read a book and then discuss about it. I nominated "Will Grayson, Will Grayson". And guess what? It got maximum votes. (:

I had it on my shelf and on my TBR (to-be-read) list since January, I bought it just becuse my favourite author is John Green, and according to me, one should read all the works of one's favourite author.
I have already read The Fault In Our Stars, Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. I have an ebook of Paper Towns, but since I prefer paperbacks, I'll buy one and read it. There was also a book coauthored by John Green, which has short stories.

So, now I've been reading the book, and one of the things I liked was how "Will", hates abbreviations like 'lol' and 'rofl' , because it's kinda true, no one's "rolling on the floor laughing" and Will says-
"Rofl? What? Are you really rolling on the floor laughing? Well, please stay down there a sec while I KICK YOUR ASS." ;D

And, one more thing he says, that's probably relatable to some people is-

"I could spend hours setting up a particular wish-and every time I'd be met with a resounding wall of complete indifference."

That's all, I'll write more about the book when I finish reading it.
Thanks for reading!


Sunday 25 May 2014

Watersong series

Hey there!

I recently finished reading tje watersong series by Amanda Hocking, and I can say it was "really" addictive. I had to stay up till 02:00am or so, reading it. I'm not going to include any spoilers in this post, so that anyone who decides to read it, can get their enough share of surprises. This series has 4 books-

Genre- Paranormal Romance (though, it's more like fantasy)

Rating- 4/5 stars.

Conclusion- I would totally recommend it! You can read it this summer, and the story also has its backdrop in a summer, so I guess that'll be a plus point for anyone who (like me) likes to relate to the story. (:

Happy holidays! And, Happy Reading!


Wednesday 21 May 2014

JMS's Founder's Day!!


Right now I am in D.dun, at my cousin's home. Yesterday was my masi's schools's 65th Founder's Day, and it was AWESOME! Here's the list of the programs with a little description-

1. Lighting of the Ceremonial Lamp- This is an essential part of every function (atleast in India)

2.Invocation- The choir of JMS is simply amazing. They sang Ganesh Stuti.

3.Life at JMS- This was divided into three parts
a. Primary: It began from the first day of a child at school, and the day progresses further, and the child starts enjoying school, makes friends and learns new things. My cousin sister Vedanta (or Veda) was a part of this presentation, and she looked really cute. (:

b.Middle-This part showed how in middle school, we depart from childhood and try to find our own identities My cousin Vinayak, was a part of this presentation, he was supposed to ask questions from a student in a quiz.

c.Senior- Here, the students enacted the carefree attitude we seem to develop once we enter high-school.
And how our friends become the most important part of our lives. The tension of board exams hovering over us was enacted too. This part ended with the depiction of the farewell party we get as we depart from the school. My friend Ranjana, was a part of this presentation.

4.Principal's speech- This was a speech by my Aunt, who happens to be the principal of JMS.

5.Yuvaan- In the words of the comparer it was "the most ravishing performance of the evening". This was the actual theme of the function. This consisted of a lot of performances-

A. Acroyoga- This was Amazing. The positions they formed seemed virtually impossible.

B. The divine light of Mother Nature- This consisted of dance with diyas, all the movements were really graceful.

C.Hoola hoop- The song on which this was performed was absolutely awesome! It was sung by children. the main dancer of this presentation was in 6th standard, and she danced amazingly.

D.Locking, popping, and contemporary (fusion)- This was probably my favourite performance of the evening. It was performed on a mix of various songs, but i liked "Whistle" by Florida the most.

E.Aerial- This was almost breathtaking. The stunts were dangerous, but they were worth it.

F.Rythm and Motion- This was utterly graceful and full of elegance.

G. Bhangra- The Punjabi folk dance. It was really nice, and full of energy. It was performed by students of Class 11th.



J.Classical fusion- I liked this one a lot. I figured out i like fusions. :P

K.Contemporary- My friend was one of the main dancers in it. So i obviously liked it. I like contemporary dance form, actually. And the costumes consisted of black tops and flowing skirts, which looked really nice.

L.Wadia-South Indian Dance form: This was performed by students of class 6th, but they danced Amazingly!

M.Contemporary- This one was performed by Shubhashish Dey, the choreographer of all the dances of Yuvaan. I had never seen such a performance live. It was AMAZING.

N. Finale- This was the conclusion. where all the dances were performed at once. Words can't do justice to this one.

O. Speech by Chief Guest.


The function was really awesome, and missing school for a day was worth it. :)

That's all


Saturday 10 May 2014

Deception: a poem.

I wrote this poem yesterday. And, I titled it "deception'.


No matter how hard we try,
The price of one's actions has to be paid.
There comes a time, when lies come undone
And so does the veil of façade.

People smirk and snarl,
At other's grief and sorrow.
Not even giving a thought,That the same fate
might greet them tomorrow.

They offer sympathy,
Appear kind and affectionate.
While they rejoice on the inside,
Revelling and giving hate.

They must know,
A future full of regrets awaits them.
And, instead of being envied,
They will be condemned.

Please comment your views.(:

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Holiday Home..

Hey there!

I usually don't like holidays, but I enjoyed yesterday and today. Yesterday I went to Dehradun, which is my second home. (; there's a big piece of land that my masi owns, which happens to be adjacent to a shallow river. A new house has been recently built there, which had its house warming ceremony a week or two ago. I have only one work to describe the house-"AMAZING!"

It is like my dream holiday home! The house is large and spacious and has a retro feel to it. Unfortunately I am not able to upload pictures. :(
Yesteray was my uncle and aunt's anniversary. So we had a treat! :D
I finished reading "the notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. It was a really nice book.

In the morning we came back to home (my masi owns a school in Dehradun, the house is in the school campus). The children were practicing for an upcoming function- 65th Founder's day! (:
And, now we're finally back home.

Friday 25 April 2014

My Playlist- part 1

Hey there!

I didn't write anything on my blog, as I was running out of things to write about. So, today I thought, that maybe I should write a post about somthing I haven't written before- "Music!"
This post is going to be about some of the songs that are in my playlist nowadays(on constant repeat);P. There isn't a single day for me, that passes without music. May it be listening to songs, playing piano on my tab or singing (while annoying others ;D) So, without further ado, here's the list-

Ours by Taylor Swift
I loved this song ever since I heard it on VH1. The lyrics are adorable!

One Love by Jennifer Lopez
I was looking for one love by blue, when I found this song. And I love it.

You and I by One Direction
this needs no explanation. The video just came out, and I got addicted to the song once again.

I knew you were trouble by Taylor Swift
I love this song! I know how to play Iit on the piano, so I guess that's a plus point. (;

I think that's enough. To be continued... (;

Monday 14 April 2014

Family time! (:

Hello everyone!

Yesterday, I went to Dehradun, which is a 2 hour drive from where I live. My relatives and cousins live in D.dun. Yesterday, I met my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins who are here for a vacation. They live in London, England. I had met them once, but never really talked to them. This time, I got to know them a little better, and it was fun. (:

I had heard my mother talk about my aunt, and I was the one who pressed for more details, because she sounded a bit like me. She also read the same authors that I had read, when I first developed the habit of reading. This time when I met her, I asked her to suggest me some authors to read, she named- Stephen King, Jacqueline Wilson, Tracy Beaker etc.

Another thing that I liked was, the "accent". My cousins were born and brought up in London, and thus they have British accent, that I like a lot. :D I don't have an accent, but I wish I did.

That's all. Thanks for reading!

Sunday 6 April 2014

Villette by Charlotte Brontë

Hey everyone!

I am reading Villette by Charlotte Brontë currently, and I have a good opinion about the book. The summary, as at the back of the book is-
"Based on Charlotte Brontë's personal experience as a teacher in Brussels, Villette is a tale of repressed feelings and subjection to cruel circumstance and position, borne with heroic fortitude.

Rising above the frustrations of confinement within a rigid social order, it is also the story of a woman's right to love and to be loved."

I've never been a big fan of classics, but that is because I never tried to develope interest in them. The protagonist of this story is, Lucy snowe, and I like her.
I'm liking the book, so far.

That's all. (:

Monday 31 March 2014

Thoughts on poetry, and a new poem!


I've been reading and writing poetry a lot, lately. I got inspired to do so by a scholastic book, "How to write poety". I read different forms of poems. Though, I've read free verse poems i.e. the poems which do not rhyme, I was never very interested in them. But I was very wrong, in thinking that free verse poems are not as good as rhyming poems. I have read a lot different poems on various topics, ranging from reading to solitude. Infact, I have written 2 free verse poems! (:

The first one is about a summer camp, that I went to in 2008, and it was a lot of fun. Here it is-

My days at summer camp

Making little X-mas trees,
From paper and confetti.
Splashing around the pool,
Floating and swimming.
Staining clothes
While making pottery.
Trying a hand
At basketball;
Winning silver medal
In badminton.
Putting my heart and soul on paper,
While I drew.
Whispering and giggling
While learning yoga.
Singing a song in chorus,
With the beats of congo.
Dancing on the
Latest dance number.
Round the rink.
A rude girl,
Like villian in the story.
A sweet friend,
A little younger than me.

Friday 28 March 2014



I haven't written on my blog, for a while. My cousins are here, since their exams got over recently. We had a lot of fun in the past few days, like we went to Mc Donald's twice. And, we went to dinner, and a video game parlour, though I didn't play anything. I and Vinayak, stay up till late, reading, talking, or writing in our own journals. We also stack our room with eatables, and have a kind of midnight feast. (:

I taught English to 9th class today. I have holidays till15 April, and as surprising as it may sound, "I hate holidays". I get bored at home. I finished reading "the last song" by Nicholas Sparks. I have a neutral opinion about it, it didn't appeal to me, as much as I wanted it to.
now, I've started "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho,  it seems to be a nice book. I had a misconception, that all his books are philosophical, and not my type. But, I'm liking the book, this far.

that's all. Bye..

Thursday 20 March 2014

I'm back! (;

Hey everyone!

I know that, I earlier wrote that I won't be blogging anymore. But, I've changed my mind, because I realized that it was a stupid decision. Anyways, about this post. I tried to write a story whose first chapter is up on my blog, but I couldn't find any interesting storyline appearing in my head, so I've started a new story! (:

The only thing that I can share right now about the story is the names of the protagonists: Amy Delacroix and Kevin Gray. I didn't start writing stories until November 2013, as I thought that I wouldn't be able to write something good enough. But, I guess we shouldn't  do anything by other's idea of "good", rather by our own feeling of satisfaction.

That's all ! (;

Saturday 8 March 2014

Important announcement

Hey everyone..

First of all, thanks to anyone who ever read anyone of my blogs, I am really glad you took time to read my musings. (:
I have decided that I am going to discontinue blogging. I myself don't know if it's a permanent decision or a temporary one.
But, I am sure that I am not going to write anything here anytime soon. Thanks again for reading.


Saturday 1 March 2014

Olive: cutest puppy EVER!


I felt like updating my blog, since my exams just got over yesterday. Despite the awesome fact, that exams are over and I "should" be happy, I'm not happy at all. I know that I must be appearing a pessimistic person to you, but there IS a reason that I'm not happy. The reason is that my youngest pet, Olive who is a 2 months old German Shepherd puppy is diagnosed with Parlov.

I've been doing a little research on this virus, and its very fatal. You could say kind of like cancer for humans. I'm worried about her, she's the cutest little puppy EVER!
I'm not able to upload her  pic on this post, but I can assure you that the pre-mentionened fact (she's the cutest pup) is absolutely true.

The symptoms of this diease are vomiting, dehydration, loss of appetite etc.

Please pray for Olive.:(


Saturday 22 February 2014

The Dream: a poem

Here's another poem, but I wrote it earlier, so it might not be as good in vocabulary as the other poems... nevertheless,  its my favourite!
and, I wrote it at 1 am, its strange how I get ideas at unusual times...

the Dream

in a dreamy world
up high in the sky,
With wings as white as snow,
I could fly.

I played about with the clouds,
and saw the chirping birds...
I Saw the whole world,
as in a fairybtale I'd heard.

There were many puzzles to solve,
in a world that seemed like a maze.
But, I just floated high,
and peacefully gazed...

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Morning: a poem

Hey everyone!

I just wrote a new poem recently, and I decided to share it.


The rustling of leaves in the morning breeze
The chirping of birds, high up in the trees.

The faint light of dawn spreading in the sky,
The view of clouds drifting by.

The noisy creaks of opening of doors.
Mothers getting up, to start homely chores.

Some children still in bed, groaning and grumbling.
Others running around, tripping and stumbling.

Sun ascends the horizon, starting a new day.
Some having a cup of tea or coffee, to get on their way.

People get ready for work, children wear their uniforms,
Everyone subconsciously following nature's norms.

Friday 7 February 2014

Fictional life tag! (:


I found this on a blog, and its interesting so I decided to do it.


Q1. What fictional world would you live in?

I have been reading Enid blyton since I was a kid, and the St. Clares series and Malory towers series are my favourite! I wish I could live in those boarding schools, in 19th century England, that'd be awesome!

Q2. What fictional being would you be?

I'd like to be a Trylle, from Amanda Hocking's Switched... I'd have powers like persuation and telekenesis. But, I should be a royal because the hierarchy is the only part in Trylle world that I hate.

Q3. Which fictional creature/animal would you keep as a pet?

A simple answer- "a unicorn!" Since childhood, like everyone I found unicorns fascinating, the thing is I still do! (: they're pretty and you can fly on them. and he/she should be white.

Q4. What fictional couple would be your mom and dad?

Probably Elora and Oren from Switched...

Q5. What fictional characters would be your brothers and sisters?

Eleanor from Eleanor and Park and Lindsey from an abundance of Katherines and

Q6. Which fictional character would be your best friend?Hazel Grace from TFIOS, I'll even read an imperrial affliction for her. (:

Q7. Choose 3 fictional characters to be your close girlfriends.

Willa from Switched because she's fond of ball gowns, and parties as much as me.
Mia from the princess diaries,
And, Gemma, from Wake

Q8. Choose 3 fictional characters to be your close guyfriends.

Tove from Switched, because he's funny and intense and he seems to understand things without being judgemental
Augustus Waters from TFIOS, pretty obvious (;
And, Zephyr from perfectly flawed...

Q9. Which fictional character would be your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Well, I think I'll have to say Augustus Waters, after reading the book and seeing the trailer, I bet any girl would swoon at the mention of his name.

Q10. What author would pen your story?

Ok, I think the best choice would be Stephanie Morril, because describing the ups and downs of high school would be best accomplished by her. (:

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Perfectly Flawed by Nessa Morgan


So, I've almost finished reading Perfectly flawed by Nessa Morgan. And, I really recommend it to everyone.  It's about Joshephine, preferably called Joey, she lives with her aunt who is always trying to be  like her mother, but genuinely cares for Joey. And, she has a best friend, Zephyr, (his character is as awesome as his name), who always stands up for Joey, because she dosen't.

Then she has two more close friends, Harley and Kenny, who are both opposite poles. Joey, has nightmares, which haunt her with the memories of her past, every morning she wakes up drenched in sweat and shivering. She needs to know about her past,because she needs to know the reason for the scars on her body, but no one helps her. shes dependent on her dreams more appropriately called nightmares to find out.
Other than that, this book is up for free download on
Here's the link-  Perfectly Flawed free download
If you decide to read it, please discuss it with me. I love discussing what I read! :)

Thursday 23 January 2014

Switched by Amanda hocking : Review


so, I've been a bit busy so I couldn't do topic 2, but this one is of my choice, that is...... a book! But, instead of one book im going to write about 3 books!

I recently finished reading 2 of them, and im in the middle of the third one, but as it is a series I've read enough to judge wheather it's good or not, and it's amazing! I'm talking about..
This.. and..

Genre- Paranormal Romance

Summary- *no spoilers* 
The first book starts in Wendy's school, she knows she's different than other people,  but how? Even she doesn't know it. When a guy at school, who she's innumerable times caughtstaring at hetr, offers an explanation, she refuses to listen , let alone believe..
but, when it means that she can assure the safety of her own brother,  will she listen?

im not going to write about book 2 and 3, except saying that they are awesome,  and everyone must read it. 
This story is far from reality but still makes you believe in it,  thats what I want in a good book.

Thursday 9 January 2014

The trip to Ajmer

I'm in Ajmer nowadays that is situated in the state of Rajasthan.  On the way we stopped on an eating joint named ' highway king '. We're in Ajmer because we're visiting my sister's mother in law. The state of Rajasthan is symbolised by vast deserts and camels. Though, I didn't see any desert till now, I spotted many camels on our way.

yesterday was my b'day , and after cutting cake and lazing around in the sun, we went to Pushkar. I and bhai(my elder brother) didnt go inside the temple,  we waited till mamma, di and aunt came back. Then, we roamed about in the nearby market, I bought, two long skirts- One green annd one red and a matching green dupatta. The only shop I was eagerly waiting for was.... bookshop! (:

I bought two books- eat pray love and house rules

I meant to do a blog post explaining how I finished the fault in our stars recently,  and I loved it!well,  I wrote quite enough for all those who have read it.. (:

Friday 3 January 2014

New Year's Inspiration!

I know that I'm a little late for this post, but its better late than never, isn't it?

So, I have not one, but a few inspirations that I have started my new year with. They are...

1. I attended a theatre festival back in November, where we watched an enactment of the life of a writer, who turned to be a script writer and eventually a director!  Well, one statement that I couldn't get out of my head after watching it was, " unlucky are those memories which die with their bearers. " I write a journal, and I made sure that I write everything I consider worth it! I'm always convincing people to write journals.

2. I read a small book recently, "A brilliant life " by Andrew Cope, and I must say it made a long lasting impression on me. It is about positivity,  it says we need to learn the Big 5, I'm not going to explain them.. (;

3. I kept a diary, I already have a journal.. but it's going to be about ideas for stories or poems or quotes of any kind. I'll write an idea each day,  And, by the end of the year I'll  have 365 ideas!

4. I'm planning to study hard this year, because in the coming session- March 2014-March 2015, I'll be making path for my future. I'll get admission in the college I want  only if I secure that much good marks..  so, wish me luck! (:

happy new year everyone!