Friday 28 March 2014



I haven't written on my blog, for a while. My cousins are here, since their exams got over recently. We had a lot of fun in the past few days, like we went to Mc Donald's twice. And, we went to dinner, and a video game parlour, though I didn't play anything. I and Vinayak, stay up till late, reading, talking, or writing in our own journals. We also stack our room with eatables, and have a kind of midnight feast. (:

I taught English to 9th class today. I have holidays till15 April, and as surprising as it may sound, "I hate holidays". I get bored at home. I finished reading "the last song" by Nicholas Sparks. I have a neutral opinion about it, it didn't appeal to me, as much as I wanted it to.
now, I've started "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho,  it seems to be a nice book. I had a misconception, that all his books are philosophical, and not my type. But, I'm liking the book, this far.

that's all. Bye..

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