Tuesday 15 October 2013

A New Faith..

I wanted to write about this as soon as I got home but we went for lunch and then for a drive..
So, today I became a Muslim officially...:) I am a multi denominational person now though I was earlier too I made it official today!!I believe in Hinduism and Islam both.. We have to just recite a kalma(a few lines) but with full faith to convert to Islam.

There are so many things I have to learn Hadis(rules and some verses one has to recite before starting or after finishing a task) like the one to recite before eating is-
"Bilmillahi wa 'ala barakatillah' meaning 'In the name of Allah and in the blessing of Allah'

I'll keep fast (roze) it is daunting but with faith any task can be completed. We have to wake up before sunrise and eat food, food prepared is a wide menu with various delicious dishes, but then one has to stay hungry and thirsty throughout the day [sounds tough, right?]
We have to offer namaz five times a day as per the ruled though, people do miss once or twice!
I'll learn how to offer namaz day after tomorrow.

Now time to give credit..Sadaf my friend who practices Islam herself taught me the rituals and recited the verses and I followed her..Tomorrow is Eid so Eid mubarak that means Happy Eid


  1. Hi! I don't know much about this religion so I might have questions :) Do you have to fast throughout the day every single day?? Also what is namaz?

    1. Yes, throughout the day, but it happens for a moth in the year, though people do miss some days..! Also, I also became a Muslim recently so I have a lot to learn..

    2. Namaz is prayer.. and in the above reply I meant month
