Monday 31 March 2014

Thoughts on poetry, and a new poem!


I've been reading and writing poetry a lot, lately. I got inspired to do so by a scholastic book, "How to write poety". I read different forms of poems. Though, I've read free verse poems i.e. the poems which do not rhyme, I was never very interested in them. But I was very wrong, in thinking that free verse poems are not as good as rhyming poems. I have read a lot different poems on various topics, ranging from reading to solitude. Infact, I have written 2 free verse poems! (:

The first one is about a summer camp, that I went to in 2008, and it was a lot of fun. Here it is-

My days at summer camp

Making little X-mas trees,
From paper and confetti.
Splashing around the pool,
Floating and swimming.
Staining clothes
While making pottery.
Trying a hand
At basketball;
Winning silver medal
In badminton.
Putting my heart and soul on paper,
While I drew.
Whispering and giggling
While learning yoga.
Singing a song in chorus,
With the beats of congo.
Dancing on the
Latest dance number.
Round the rink.
A rude girl,
Like villian in the story.
A sweet friend,
A little younger than me.

Friday 28 March 2014



I haven't written on my blog, for a while. My cousins are here, since their exams got over recently. We had a lot of fun in the past few days, like we went to Mc Donald's twice. And, we went to dinner, and a video game parlour, though I didn't play anything. I and Vinayak, stay up till late, reading, talking, or writing in our own journals. We also stack our room with eatables, and have a kind of midnight feast. (:

I taught English to 9th class today. I have holidays till15 April, and as surprising as it may sound, "I hate holidays". I get bored at home. I finished reading "the last song" by Nicholas Sparks. I have a neutral opinion about it, it didn't appeal to me, as much as I wanted it to.
now, I've started "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho,  it seems to be a nice book. I had a misconception, that all his books are philosophical, and not my type. But, I'm liking the book, this far.

that's all. Bye..

Thursday 20 March 2014

I'm back! (;

Hey everyone!

I know that, I earlier wrote that I won't be blogging anymore. But, I've changed my mind, because I realized that it was a stupid decision. Anyways, about this post. I tried to write a story whose first chapter is up on my blog, but I couldn't find any interesting storyline appearing in my head, so I've started a new story! (:

The only thing that I can share right now about the story is the names of the protagonists: Amy Delacroix and Kevin Gray. I didn't start writing stories until November 2013, as I thought that I wouldn't be able to write something good enough. But, I guess we shouldn't  do anything by other's idea of "good", rather by our own feeling of satisfaction.

That's all ! (;

Saturday 8 March 2014

Important announcement

Hey everyone..

First of all, thanks to anyone who ever read anyone of my blogs, I am really glad you took time to read my musings. (:
I have decided that I am going to discontinue blogging. I myself don't know if it's a permanent decision or a temporary one.
But, I am sure that I am not going to write anything here anytime soon. Thanks again for reading.


Saturday 1 March 2014

Olive: cutest puppy EVER!


I felt like updating my blog, since my exams just got over yesterday. Despite the awesome fact, that exams are over and I "should" be happy, I'm not happy at all. I know that I must be appearing a pessimistic person to you, but there IS a reason that I'm not happy. The reason is that my youngest pet, Olive who is a 2 months old German Shepherd puppy is diagnosed with Parlov.

I've been doing a little research on this virus, and its very fatal. You could say kind of like cancer for humans. I'm worried about her, she's the cutest little puppy EVER!
I'm not able to upload her  pic on this post, but I can assure you that the pre-mentionened fact (she's the cutest pup) is absolutely true.

The symptoms of this diease are vomiting, dehydration, loss of appetite etc.

Please pray for Olive.:(
