Thursday 23 January 2014

Switched by Amanda hocking : Review


so, I've been a bit busy so I couldn't do topic 2, but this one is of my choice, that is...... a book! But, instead of one book im going to write about 3 books!

I recently finished reading 2 of them, and im in the middle of the third one, but as it is a series I've read enough to judge wheather it's good or not, and it's amazing! I'm talking about..
This.. and..

Genre- Paranormal Romance

Summary- *no spoilers* 
The first book starts in Wendy's school, she knows she's different than other people,  but how? Even she doesn't know it. When a guy at school, who she's innumerable times caughtstaring at hetr, offers an explanation, she refuses to listen , let alone believe..
but, when it means that she can assure the safety of her own brother,  will she listen?

im not going to write about book 2 and 3, except saying that they are awesome,  and everyone must read it. 
This story is far from reality but still makes you believe in it,  thats what I want in a good book.

Thursday 9 January 2014

The trip to Ajmer

I'm in Ajmer nowadays that is situated in the state of Rajasthan.  On the way we stopped on an eating joint named ' highway king '. We're in Ajmer because we're visiting my sister's mother in law. The state of Rajasthan is symbolised by vast deserts and camels. Though, I didn't see any desert till now, I spotted many camels on our way.

yesterday was my b'day , and after cutting cake and lazing around in the sun, we went to Pushkar. I and bhai(my elder brother) didnt go inside the temple,  we waited till mamma, di and aunt came back. Then, we roamed about in the nearby market, I bought, two long skirts- One green annd one red and a matching green dupatta. The only shop I was eagerly waiting for was.... bookshop! (:

I bought two books- eat pray love and house rules

I meant to do a blog post explaining how I finished the fault in our stars recently,  and I loved it!well,  I wrote quite enough for all those who have read it.. (:

Friday 3 January 2014

New Year's Inspiration!

I know that I'm a little late for this post, but its better late than never, isn't it?

So, I have not one, but a few inspirations that I have started my new year with. They are...

1. I attended a theatre festival back in November, where we watched an enactment of the life of a writer, who turned to be a script writer and eventually a director!  Well, one statement that I couldn't get out of my head after watching it was, " unlucky are those memories which die with their bearers. " I write a journal, and I made sure that I write everything I consider worth it! I'm always convincing people to write journals.

2. I read a small book recently, "A brilliant life " by Andrew Cope, and I must say it made a long lasting impression on me. It is about positivity,  it says we need to learn the Big 5, I'm not going to explain them.. (;

3. I kept a diary, I already have a journal.. but it's going to be about ideas for stories or poems or quotes of any kind. I'll write an idea each day,  And, by the end of the year I'll  have 365 ideas!

4. I'm planning to study hard this year, because in the coming session- March 2014-March 2015, I'll be making path for my future. I'll get admission in the college I want  only if I secure that much good marks..  so, wish me luck! (:

happy new year everyone!