so, I've been a bit busy so I couldn't do topic 2, but this one is of my choice, that is...... a book! But, instead of one book im going to write about 3 books!
I recently finished reading 2 of them, and im in the middle of the third one, but as it is a series I've read enough to judge wheather it's good or not, and it's amazing! I'm talking about..
so, I've been a bit busy so I couldn't do topic 2, but this one is of my choice, that is...... a book! But, instead of one book im going to write about 3 books!
I recently finished reading 2 of them, and im in the middle of the third one, but as it is a series I've read enough to judge wheather it's good or not, and it's amazing! I'm talking about..
This.. and..
Genre- Paranormal Romance
Summary- *no spoilers*
The first book starts in Wendy's school, she knows she's different than other people, but how? Even she doesn't know it. When a guy at school, who she's innumerable times caughtstaring at hetr, offers an explanation, she refuses to listen , let alone believe..
but, when it means that she can assure the safety of her own brother, will she listen?
im not going to write about book 2 and 3, except saying that they are awesome, and everyone must read it.
This story is far from reality but still makes you believe in it, thats what I want in a good book.