Saturday 22 February 2014

The Dream: a poem

Here's another poem, but I wrote it earlier, so it might not be as good in vocabulary as the other poems... nevertheless,  its my favourite!
and, I wrote it at 1 am, its strange how I get ideas at unusual times...

the Dream

in a dreamy world
up high in the sky,
With wings as white as snow,
I could fly.

I played about with the clouds,
and saw the chirping birds...
I Saw the whole world,
as in a fairybtale I'd heard.

There were many puzzles to solve,
in a world that seemed like a maze.
But, I just floated high,
and peacefully gazed...

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Morning: a poem

Hey everyone!

I just wrote a new poem recently, and I decided to share it.


The rustling of leaves in the morning breeze
The chirping of birds, high up in the trees.

The faint light of dawn spreading in the sky,
The view of clouds drifting by.

The noisy creaks of opening of doors.
Mothers getting up, to start homely chores.

Some children still in bed, groaning and grumbling.
Others running around, tripping and stumbling.

Sun ascends the horizon, starting a new day.
Some having a cup of tea or coffee, to get on their way.

People get ready for work, children wear their uniforms,
Everyone subconsciously following nature's norms.

Friday 7 February 2014

Fictional life tag! (:


I found this on a blog, and its interesting so I decided to do it.


Q1. What fictional world would you live in?

I have been reading Enid blyton since I was a kid, and the St. Clares series and Malory towers series are my favourite! I wish I could live in those boarding schools, in 19th century England, that'd be awesome!

Q2. What fictional being would you be?

I'd like to be a Trylle, from Amanda Hocking's Switched... I'd have powers like persuation and telekenesis. But, I should be a royal because the hierarchy is the only part in Trylle world that I hate.

Q3. Which fictional creature/animal would you keep as a pet?

A simple answer- "a unicorn!" Since childhood, like everyone I found unicorns fascinating, the thing is I still do! (: they're pretty and you can fly on them. and he/she should be white.

Q4. What fictional couple would be your mom and dad?

Probably Elora and Oren from Switched...

Q5. What fictional characters would be your brothers and sisters?

Eleanor from Eleanor and Park and Lindsey from an abundance of Katherines and

Q6. Which fictional character would be your best friend?Hazel Grace from TFIOS, I'll even read an imperrial affliction for her. (:

Q7. Choose 3 fictional characters to be your close girlfriends.

Willa from Switched because she's fond of ball gowns, and parties as much as me.
Mia from the princess diaries,
And, Gemma, from Wake

Q8. Choose 3 fictional characters to be your close guyfriends.

Tove from Switched, because he's funny and intense and he seems to understand things without being judgemental
Augustus Waters from TFIOS, pretty obvious (;
And, Zephyr from perfectly flawed...

Q9. Which fictional character would be your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Well, I think I'll have to say Augustus Waters, after reading the book and seeing the trailer, I bet any girl would swoon at the mention of his name.

Q10. What author would pen your story?

Ok, I think the best choice would be Stephanie Morril, because describing the ups and downs of high school would be best accomplished by her. (:

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Perfectly Flawed by Nessa Morgan


So, I've almost finished reading Perfectly flawed by Nessa Morgan. And, I really recommend it to everyone.  It's about Joshephine, preferably called Joey, she lives with her aunt who is always trying to be  like her mother, but genuinely cares for Joey. And, she has a best friend, Zephyr, (his character is as awesome as his name), who always stands up for Joey, because she dosen't.

Then she has two more close friends, Harley and Kenny, who are both opposite poles. Joey, has nightmares, which haunt her with the memories of her past, every morning she wakes up drenched in sweat and shivering. She needs to know about her past,because she needs to know the reason for the scars on her body, but no one helps her. shes dependent on her dreams more appropriately called nightmares to find out.
Other than that, this book is up for free download on
Here's the link-  Perfectly Flawed free download
If you decide to read it, please discuss it with me. I love discussing what I read! :)