Sunday 25 May 2014

Watersong series

Hey there!

I recently finished reading tje watersong series by Amanda Hocking, and I can say it was "really" addictive. I had to stay up till 02:00am or so, reading it. I'm not going to include any spoilers in this post, so that anyone who decides to read it, can get their enough share of surprises. This series has 4 books-

Genre- Paranormal Romance (though, it's more like fantasy)

Rating- 4/5 stars.

Conclusion- I would totally recommend it! You can read it this summer, and the story also has its backdrop in a summer, so I guess that'll be a plus point for anyone who (like me) likes to relate to the story. (:

Happy holidays! And, Happy Reading!


Wednesday 21 May 2014

JMS's Founder's Day!!


Right now I am in D.dun, at my cousin's home. Yesterday was my masi's schools's 65th Founder's Day, and it was AWESOME! Here's the list of the programs with a little description-

1. Lighting of the Ceremonial Lamp- This is an essential part of every function (atleast in India)

2.Invocation- The choir of JMS is simply amazing. They sang Ganesh Stuti.

3.Life at JMS- This was divided into three parts
a. Primary: It began from the first day of a child at school, and the day progresses further, and the child starts enjoying school, makes friends and learns new things. My cousin sister Vedanta (or Veda) was a part of this presentation, and she looked really cute. (:

b.Middle-This part showed how in middle school, we depart from childhood and try to find our own identities My cousin Vinayak, was a part of this presentation, he was supposed to ask questions from a student in a quiz.

c.Senior- Here, the students enacted the carefree attitude we seem to develop once we enter high-school.
And how our friends become the most important part of our lives. The tension of board exams hovering over us was enacted too. This part ended with the depiction of the farewell party we get as we depart from the school. My friend Ranjana, was a part of this presentation.

4.Principal's speech- This was a speech by my Aunt, who happens to be the principal of JMS.

5.Yuvaan- In the words of the comparer it was "the most ravishing performance of the evening". This was the actual theme of the function. This consisted of a lot of performances-

A. Acroyoga- This was Amazing. The positions they formed seemed virtually impossible.

B. The divine light of Mother Nature- This consisted of dance with diyas, all the movements were really graceful.

C.Hoola hoop- The song on which this was performed was absolutely awesome! It was sung by children. the main dancer of this presentation was in 6th standard, and she danced amazingly.

D.Locking, popping, and contemporary (fusion)- This was probably my favourite performance of the evening. It was performed on a mix of various songs, but i liked "Whistle" by Florida the most.

E.Aerial- This was almost breathtaking. The stunts were dangerous, but they were worth it.

F.Rythm and Motion- This was utterly graceful and full of elegance.

G. Bhangra- The Punjabi folk dance. It was really nice, and full of energy. It was performed by students of Class 11th.



J.Classical fusion- I liked this one a lot. I figured out i like fusions. :P

K.Contemporary- My friend was one of the main dancers in it. So i obviously liked it. I like contemporary dance form, actually. And the costumes consisted of black tops and flowing skirts, which looked really nice.

L.Wadia-South Indian Dance form: This was performed by students of class 6th, but they danced Amazingly!

M.Contemporary- This one was performed by Shubhashish Dey, the choreographer of all the dances of Yuvaan. I had never seen such a performance live. It was AMAZING.

N. Finale- This was the conclusion. where all the dances were performed at once. Words can't do justice to this one.

O. Speech by Chief Guest.


The function was really awesome, and missing school for a day was worth it. :)

That's all


Saturday 10 May 2014

Deception: a poem.

I wrote this poem yesterday. And, I titled it "deception'.


No matter how hard we try,
The price of one's actions has to be paid.
There comes a time, when lies come undone
And so does the veil of façade.

People smirk and snarl,
At other's grief and sorrow.
Not even giving a thought,That the same fate
might greet them tomorrow.

They offer sympathy,
Appear kind and affectionate.
While they rejoice on the inside,
Revelling and giving hate.

They must know,
A future full of regrets awaits them.
And, instead of being envied,
They will be condemned.

Please comment your views.(:

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Holiday Home..

Hey there!

I usually don't like holidays, but I enjoyed yesterday and today. Yesterday I went to Dehradun, which is my second home. (; there's a big piece of land that my masi owns, which happens to be adjacent to a shallow river. A new house has been recently built there, which had its house warming ceremony a week or two ago. I have only one work to describe the house-"AMAZING!"

It is like my dream holiday home! The house is large and spacious and has a retro feel to it. Unfortunately I am not able to upload pictures. :(
Yesteray was my uncle and aunt's anniversary. So we had a treat! :D
I finished reading "the notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. It was a really nice book.

In the morning we came back to home (my masi owns a school in Dehradun, the house is in the school campus). The children were practicing for an upcoming function- 65th Founder's day! (:
And, now we're finally back home.