Saturday 12 September 2015


A word I often say when I'm asked what do i like to do. And it's the truth. Well, most of the time.
I love to write. Creating something from nothing, that is what it feels like. But you know, anything is easy when you're doing it just for fun, but as soon as expectations get involved (even your own), it turns into something tedious. Something too tough to pursue. Think about it. It applies to everything: writing, painting, acting even playing. Ever thought about what kind of pressure the people on the field feel as they have the expectations all the whole country bundled up on their shoulders. How different would it have been when they used to play with their friends, just for fun. No doubt, when they win and fulfill the expectation, the success is sweeter than a match with their friends, but that isn't what we are talking about, is it?

As for me, I feel like the expectations I've put for myself are an awful lot, but the problem is I can't seem to lessen them. In a way, it's a blessing in disguise, because if I can't lessen the expectations, I can't give up writing, the only way is to fulfill those expectations, right? That's what I think. I'll be taking part in NaNoWriMo this year too, but the different thing I expect than the last two years is that I expect to win. New expectation, see? But this one feels good to have. I've just had a special someone tell me that I should write a book, and I should start writing it 'now'. Besides mine, I have someone else's expectations too, to fulfill. And, I will fulfill those expectations, because I believe that I can get better at writing.

I have a lot of favourite poems, but I'd end this blogpost with the first line as well as the title of one that I really like.
"Hope is the thing with feathers-"