Sunday 4 January 2015

Plans for 2015!

Hey guys,

Long time, no see? (:
I wanted to write a new blogpost on new year, but I couldn't. Anyway, better late than never, right?

So... I don't think I'm going to write about any kind of resolutions, because I don't keep them anyway. :P
But I hope this year includes the following:

1.An extravagant amount of reading!

So, yeah, you're going to find me with my nose buried in a book almost all the time.  (Not that it doesn't happen already, but still.). I have bought SO many books this year, but haven't read much because of my upcoming Board Exams in March... *sigh* 
I am going to cover up all the reading that I haven't done this year.

2. A LOT of writing
Btw I totally love this pic ^
I love typewriters even more... How I wish I had one.
Anyhow, I have to do all the writing with a pen and paper this year. I want to do a course in Creative writing too. I have a lot of ideas for stories that I've saved up in 2014, and I hope to expand each one of them into full fledged stories, this year.

3.A New Language
Yes, I do plan to learn German this year. I'd love to learn a new language. Especially German. I'm not really sure of my plans right now, but after graduation, I'd like to got to Heidelberg, Germany for further studies. And learning a new language would also mean exploring new literature, which I'd love to do.

I want to learn as many things this year, as I can, and baking would be one of them. I thought as I love all the baked stuff so much, it'd be nice if I learnt how to bake. Especially cupcakes.


I'd like to update my blogs more often this year. And I'm sure this year would be eventful and I'd have lots to write about.

Thanks for reading!
That's all
*Virtual poatoes again for reading*
You can make hash browns instead of french fries this time... (;
