Saturday 1 November 2014


Hey everyone!

I'm so excited for NaNoWriMo. For all those who don't know what that is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month i.e. November. It basically is for aspiring writers, who try to write a novel in a month. Sounds intimidating, doesn't it? (; Well, it isn't. Anyone can give it a try. And in my opinion, everyone should. I believe that everyone has a story to tell. If you want to know more, here's the link to Nanowrimo's website-

But for writers aged below 17, there's something called 'Young Writer's Program'. I am taking part in Nanowrimo under this. Link would be-

Go ahead, give it a try!

I have started writing, though to be honest, I don't have any plot in m mind. I just randomly wrote something that came to my mind. Now I am having trouble in continuing the story. :(
So, I wrote 3 diffferent scenes with the same character/ characters, that I type in Microsoft Word, and this is weird because I always loved writing using a pen and paper.
The possible explanation is that I like reading, and when I see the words on a white document, in a particular font, I imagine it as a novel that has already been written, so I just imagine what I would read further, and thus, I create a new story. Ta-da! :P

I was experiencing a writer's block, (Even though I am not a writer. Not yet, anyway.) And i found this blog post helpful. I hope it helps you too. (:

Well, that's it I guess.
Thanks for reading!
*Virtual potatoes for reading my blog post* :P
You can make french fries! (:

Love, Punya