Monday 22 September 2014

Ironical Quote by Augustus...


I've been thinking of writing something for a while now, but I just couldn't figure out 'what' to write. A few days back, someone I know quoted Augustus Waters from The Fault In Our Stars saying, "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up." That made me think about the irony of the statement.

Augustus Waters was dying, the cancer cells were multiplying at a fast rate, and about the scan, as he said, "it lit up like a Christmas tree." So, if the roller coaster he talks about could be 'cancer', the roller coaster was certainly only going up, and unfortunately wouldn't descend.

Whereas, when we read the book (or watch the movie), we take it that the metaphor he's using i.e. the roller coaster, is 'life'. We think that he's optimistic and now he's lost the touch of cancer he had and now his life is good. It's kinda sad how wrong we turn out to be. Don't you think? #rhetorical question

(I should probably start ending all my blog posts with a rhetorical question.)

Here's a virtual chocolate for you, for reading my blogpost. (; *hands out chocolate*
